This past weekend, I had the incredible opportunity to visit the Wieliczka Salt Mines in Kraków, and let me tell you—I was absolutely floored (no pun intended). The sheer ingenuity of humans to carve deep into the earth and create a labyrinth of tunnels is nothing short of breathtaking.
: Journey
Photo by Chen Zhang on Unsplash
Climbing My Mountain
It’s now been six months since I’ve been intensely dedicating myself to solidifying my foundations in full-stack development. Of course, in such a short time, I’ve only scratched the surface of this vast universe, but I felt the need to push the adventure further and embark on this long journey toward mastery.
Right now, I have a ton of ideas swirling around, and I’ve had to make some choices about what to prioritize with my current schedule. My goal is to create a portfolio site with a unique design, along with a blog space. But since I’m busy working on my next project, I’ve decided to start with this temporary blog, which you’re seeing here in this first post.